Sound retirement planning is more important than some people realize. It can make the difference on how life after work ends affects everyday living whether you are still with our family or they are trying to carry on without you. Even the slightest change in the cost of life’s basic necessities impacts the budget. Following are ways to keep future risks at a minimum by preparing for retirement.
Boost Retirement Readiness
Part of boosting retirement readiness is recognizing the need to change your retirement strategy as the events in your life change. Purchasing a home, having children, and unexpected medical costs are events that affect your retirement readiness. Solutions can include working a second job or longer shift, as well as taking additional training to find a better-paying job. Various types of insurance policies boost retirement readiness by covering expenses and providing cash to help recover from the expense of an emergency, rather than using funds put aside for later in life.
Simplify Goals
Identify the effect saving for retirement will have on your current financial situation. Make a list of constant bills, such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, food, insurance, and entertainment. Then list payments due to personal choice rather than necessity. Examples include going out to eat for lunch instead of brown-bagging the noon meal. Gourmet coffees have been known to cost over $400 a person during the month! Determine an amount to save and what expenses you are willing to minimize. The savings can be placed into a retirement fund.
Maximize Income Potential
If you decide to meet with a financial advisor, choose someone who makes you feel comfortable and listens to you. Likewise, listen to the professional you trust. Provide a list of your current income and expenses so he or she can help you form realistic goals that make the most of your savings, investments, and overall retirement portfolio. Consider diversifying your assets to guard against losses.
Seek employment with companies that offer pensions and/or employer matching retirement plans. Always contribute at least the amount that your employer agrees to match, as it will help your plan grow more quickly than it will with your contributions alone. Read and understand the requirements to become fully vested in the plan.
Begin saving for retirement as soon as you are old enough to work. It is easier to learn to resist borrowing against savings when the temptation to spend is a “want” rather than a “need”. Reassess your plans yearly to be sure you are on track with your goals for the Golden Years.