Finasiële Beplanning bly belangrik

Geen mens kan fiansiële vryheid geniet sonder beplanning nie. Met beplanning kom insig en kennis, wat gelyk is aan vooruitgang.Moet nie jouself tekort doen nie!

When do you need to make use of a Financial Adviser?

Your financial adviser is playing a key role in your future.  We are just going to touch on three of the most important subjects.   Retirement: It is always extremely helpful to hire a financial advisor when the time comes to seriously think about planning for the...

How To Use An Index Fund For Retirement

The great thing about index funds is that they are “set it and forget it” investments. But does that make sense for a retirement plan? Absolutely, and for a number of reasons. First, though, you should understand what an index fund really does. An index fund owns a...

The difference between a pension fund and a provident fund

The main difference is that if a pension fund member retires, the member gets one third of the total benefit in a cash lump sum and the other two-thirds is paid out in the form of a pension over the rest of the member’s life. A provident fund member can get the...